Monday, October 15, 2012

Do's and Don'ts of Detox

It happens to the best of us. We try so hard to follow healthy eating habits, but then the stress of life gets in the way and we fall off the wagon. I am sharing from a recent personal experience in hopes that you, too, can get back on track as quickly as possible through detoxification.

The pelvis of a 12 year old patient with digestive issues
Why detoxify? Detoxifying the body:
  • Boosts your energy levels
  • Regulates bowel/bladder function
  • Increases mental clarity
  • Stimulates weight loss 
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Decreases blood pressure
  • Decreases acne and other skin blemishes
  • Improves breathing

When your body is free from toxins, you are free to be healthy.

From saunas and foot baths to spices and herbs, the human race has been practicing different methods of detoxification for centuries.

But did you know that our bodies have an innate detoxification process directed through the liver and kidneys. I want to share my do's and don'ts designed to facilitate our innate detoxification process.

The DOs
  1. Drink Only Purified Water - That is either reverse osmosis (RO) or distilled water. These types of water are free from many elements such as chlorine and fluorine that are found in most public drinking water. Be sure to drink 1 oz of water for every kilogram (take your weight in pounds and divide by 2) of body weight.
  2. Eat Vegetables and Fruits - Broccoli, Carrots, Squash, Onions, Peppers, Garlic, Beets, and tons and tons of greens (spinach, kale, collard, spring mixes, etc.). Fresh, raw and organic are best. Steamed and sauteed (with water, not oil!) also taste great and do the job. Spices and Celtic sea salt are great options to flavor your food!
  3. Sleep - Sleeping 8 hours a night is imperative for health and when you drastically change your diet for a few days, your energy levels may fluctuate greatly. Be prepared and get your rest.
  4. See Your Chiropractor - If your spine looks like the one in this post, it impacts your body on a neurological level. When your nerve system is not functioning properly, vital detox organs like your liver, kidney and intestines are affected as well. 
  1. Eat Sugar, Dairy, Grains, Oils, Coffee, or Alcohol - Many of these are the cause of toxicity in your body! You need to eliminate them during this process to give your body a rest.
  2. Exercise Intensely - Intense exercise will build up specific metabolic by-products that your body then has to process. Rest over this period of time is key. Walking is an excellent choice instead.
  3. Use Artificial Supplements - "Natural" supplementation is a multi-billion dollar industry and although there may be great supplements that could facilitate your detox, many supplements have fillers and artificial ingredients that can add stress to your body. Check with your natural healthcare practitioner if you are unsure of any products.
Use the tips above to jump start yourself to better health. I recommend following the protocol for a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 7-10 days. If you are utilizing my tips for longer that the minimum recommendation, please be sure to add protein back into the diet after day 3. The best protein options are eggs, wild caught fish, organic/grass fed/free-range meat, legumes, and nuts. Only eat ONE serving size 2-3x per day.

WARNING: Those who use this detox will most likely continue to make better health choices even after the completion of the program. Remember to always discuss major lifestyle changes with your health care provider.

Abundant blessings,

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

3 Myths About Being "Under the Weather"

The weather has changed. It is inevitable here in Pittsburgh. It is the time of year that my office gets this call, "This is Mary and I am feeling very sick this morning. I do not want to spread my germs, so I need to reschedule my appointment." As we move into the Fall and Winter season, I will hear this phone call on countless occasions. I want to share 3 myths about becoming "Under the Weather":

Myth #1: I am sick because of germs.

There is a subtle difference between germs causing disease and the inability to adapt to germs that causes your cold or flu.  Every wonder why your co-worker who sits right next to you never seems to "catch your cold." How about a classroom full of children? If one child is fighting an infection, all the their classmates and the teacher are exposed to those germs, but only a handful of the children may actually come down with the same infection. The bottom line is that germs do not cause disease, your inability to adapt to an ever changing environment is what causes your ailment. I am well adjusted and so is my family, so bring on the germs. Exposure to germs makes a health immune system stronger!

Myth #2:  I got my Flu Shot, so it can't be the flu.

There is still much debate over the effectiveness of flu vaccination and what demographics should be receiving it. We all have personal stories of people who have received the flu vaccine, but still get the infection. There are many strands of the influenza virus and the vaccinations from season to season are only scientists' "best guess" when it comes to picking the right strand for the next year. That creates a very high possibility that the flu shot you receive may not be the prevailing influenza strain that year.

I personally choose not to have myself nor my family vaccinated because I am not convinced that the benefit outweighs the risk of all the toxins (click here for a list of flu vaccine ingredients) that are in vaccines. It has been over 10 years since my last flu vaccine and I can't remember the last time I had the flu.

Myth #3: I need something to control my fever.

Wouldn't it be cool if we had a mechanism in our body to fight off foreign invaders? Oh wait, we do! A fever is an increase in your body's normal temperature. The temperature increase will destroy the protein components of bacteria, viruses, and parasites that attack our bodies. However, most of us were taught from a very early age to take a Motrin or Tylenol to bring down the fever. This is in direct opposition to what the body is trying to achieve.

Can a fever of 104 be a scary event, especially in a young child? Of course! The truth about fevers in healthy individuals is that they spike up and down. So one minute it could be 102, then 104, then back to 102. Your body understands that a high fever for too long is not good for the healthy cells and tissues, so it spikes just long enough to keep the foreign attacker on the run. Next time you have fever aches and pains, try a hot shower, hot tea and lemon, bundle up and sweat it out!

I pray that your lifestyle of exercise, eating fruits and vegetables, daily meditation and reflection, and (of course) chiropractic adjustments will keep you from feeling "under the weather" this season.

Abundant Blessings,

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan Turo is the chiropractor and owner of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cholesterol - Villain or Victim?

Although it gets a bad rap, cholesterol is a steroid necessary for body function.  The body produces cholesterol naturally and utilizes it for cell wall function and hormone production (estrogen, testosterone). Its presence in the body is not malicious; however, because the body produces it, there is no dietary requirement that must be ingest per day.

Good, Bad, or Neither?

The first thing everyone should understand about cholesterol is that the “good” cholesterol (known as HDL) and the “bad” cholesterol (known as LDL) are very poor labels. In fact, HDL (high density lipoprotein) and LDL (low density lipoprotein) are not even cholesterol at all; they are proteins that carry cholesterol. LDL carries cholesterol from your liver to other body parts and HDL carries cholesterol from your body, back to your liver.

Switching Standards without Support

Before 1993, the recommended total cholesterol level in the blood was 240 mg/dl. Then a panel of 10 doctors agreed to lower it from 240 to 200 mg/dl. This increased the number of Americans who were eligible to take a statin drug (i.e. Lipitor, Zocor, Crestor) by over 37 million. Now nearly two decades later, there is absolutely no evidence that there has been a decrease in heart attacks, which was the original aim of increasing the medication.

High Cholesterol is Not the Real Issue

I speak to all my patients about getting to the cause of their health problems. No one on Earth has high cholesterol because of a deficiency in statin drugs. High cholesterol is not a diagnosis; it is merely a symptom of poor health. With all the risks and side effects associated with statin medications (headaches, muscle pain/weakness, constipation, kidney failure), I am not convinced the benefit (if there is any at all) outweighs the risk.

Just Tell Me What To Do!

The best thing to do? The only time it is safe to come off your medication is under the supervision of your prescribing physician. Talk to you doctor about coming off the medication for a few months while adding exercise and increasing raw vegetable intake.  If your doctor insists you stay on the medication (consider getting a second opinion) you must find a good Co-Q10 supplement. Statin drugs deplete the body of this energy-producing molecule that is synthesized naturally in your body.  Because of this, it's best to replenish CO-Q10 with a quality nutritional supplement in order to avoid some of the statin drug side effects.

Find a holistic practitioner that will take the time to get to the cause of your health problem. Your cholesterol is high for a reason and it is not because of a deficiency in statin drugs. If you want to be drug free, then you have to be willing to live a drug-free lifestyle. People who exercise regularly, eat plenty of vegetables and lean meats, and practice stress reduction techniques will not have high cholesterol levels and will ultimately live healthier and happier lives.

Abundant Blessings,

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Monday, June 11, 2012

5 Tips for Sleeping like a Baby

ZZZZZZ.....ZZZZZZ...ZZZZZZ...Oh excuse me! I didn't see you there. I must have drifted off. In our crazy GO, GO, GO world today, why is it that so many people still struggle to get a good night of sleep? You would think that as hard as we push ourselves, our engine would be empty by the end of the day and we would crash as soon as our head hits the pillow. Unfortunately, for millions of Americans, that is just not the case. So here are some simple tips that will allow you to catch those very important ZZZ's.

1. Position
As a chiropractor, people always ask me about proper sleeping position. The best position, in my opinion, for proper body and spinal mechanics, is lying on your side. Your pillow should be tucked under your head AND neck so that you are in a neutral position. The most important piece of the puzzle? Use a body pillow (or 2 separate pillows) that will fit comfortably between your knees and arms. This keeps your hips and shoulders in a neutral position and maintains healthy spinal alignment. Poor sleeping position is a gateway to poor spinal alignment, which is what your chiropractor is working hard to correct. Help him out and try this sleep position!

2. Same Time, Same Place
Having a regular routine for the time and place of your sleep allows you to take advantage of your body’s natural rhythm and hormone levels. Different hormones in your body rise and fall throughout the day. Keeping a consistent bed time and place will help your body prepare for and maintain a good night's sleep. (I apologize to travelers with fluctuating schedules. Good thing your body is so adaptable!)

3. Organize and Prioritize
Restless sleep is often related to anxiety about your TO DO list. Whether it is something you didn't get to, or something that needs to be done tomorrow, make sure you WRITE IT DOWN! I joke with my wife that if it isn't written down, it doesn't exist. Writing things down and prioritizing will take them off your mind and allow you to focus on the task at hand: SLEEP.

4. Eating
Snacking before bed is an epidemic in our society. Unfortunately, when we eat, we change our hormone levels.  As I mentioned before, this can make it difficult to fall into that restful state you need for quality sleep. Digestion also slows down during the night and food can become stagnant in your stomach. Did you ever notice that if you eat a meal right before bed, you still feel full the next morning? Then you don’t breakfast and start your day in a downward energy spiral. Try not to eat anything 1-2 hours before bed.

5. Gratitude
Touching again on the anxiety, most people are anxious because that are not focused on how amazing their life is. It is easy to get trapped into that fearful, victim mentality. Believe me, with a new business, new baby, student loans, and my wife leaving her job, I know a thing or two about anxiety. Always remember, if you have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, family and friends, then you are among the wealthiest people on Earth. Give thanks and get peace.

Try out these tips before your head hits the pillow tonight. Your body will thank you!

Sweet Dreams!

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Find more information at his website. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Friday, June 1, 2012

4 Truths about Aging Before You Age Another Minute

Depending on who you talk to, the concept of aging is either embraced with a smile or feared worse than public speaking. In fact, the "anti-aging" industry is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. That is a lot of money to combat a process that is just as natural as sleeping, eating, and drinking. So before you spend another penny to stop or slow a process that cannot be stopped, let's learn the truth about aging.

1. Aging Cannot be Stopped
This may seem obvious, but there are many people out there in denial about their aging. Let me reiterate that aging is natural and normal! One of the best steps you can take to make this process more exciting is to embrace the fact that we all age.  Enjoy every day for what it is: a gift! Stop using popular phrases like, "I am getting old" or "I feel so old." Embrace your aging and your age will be rewarding.

2. You Age What You Eat
We all know the famous adage, "you are what you eat." It only makes sense that the aging process is largely determined by what you feed your body. Every second millions of your cells are dividing, multiplying, and dying. The new cells are created from what you eat. We all know the 45 year old who looks like he is 60, and we also know the 65 year old who looks like she is 50. Why do some people age so well? Very little has to do with genetics and a large part has to do with what you are putting into your body day in and day out. If you are one of those people obsessed with how you age, think before you eat that next doughnut or scoop of ice cream. Fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and nuts will give your body the vitamins and minerals it craves, giving rise to new and healthy cells.  Healthy cells are an easy way to beautify the aging process!

3. Lotions are not Magic Potions
Women and men alike will try any product that claims to enhance skin and hair. Consumers beware! Every product you use on your skin is absorbed into your blood stream and must be processed by your liver.  Many chemicals in popular lotions, creams, and hair products that are "safe for human use" have been linked to various types of cancers in animals. Information is at our fingertips. Be an informed buyer and research some of the chemicals that are in your current lotions. Will one or two uses give you cancer? Of course not, but neither will smoking one or two cigarettes. The problem is repeated use over a lifetime. Be aware and limit the chemicals you use on your skin and hair. These toxic chemicals can build up in your fat and skin cells over time.  This causes your cells to break down more quickly, making you look older than you actually are. "But wait, we have a lotion for that!" Get the picture?

4. Motion is life!
Circulation, nerve messages, joint lubrication, and healing all require a certain amount of motion to work at their optimal level. When you participate in any activity, you stress your body in a very good way and promote healthy cell growth. Healthy cell growth leads to beautiful aging, not only on the outside, but the inside as well, which is where health begins! Get up, take a walk, do some stretching, dance, swim, or ride a bike! The more you move, the better you age.

Do not buy into the "anti-aging" gimmicks. You are aging exactly the way you are supposed to.   Besides, growing old sure beats the alternative...dying young.

Abundant blessings,

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5 Tips For Choosing Your Chiropractor

In today's world, with information at our finger tips, how do we take the time to find a great chiropractor? Anyone can write something that sounds good and post it on the internet, but the proof is in the pudding. Here are the top 5 items that I would look for in a great chiropractor:

1.  He listens
A good chiropractor will take the time to listen to your health challenges. He will ask questions to understand your concerns. Together, you will form goals to accomplish as you progress through your care.

2.  He educates
Once your chiropractor understands your health challenges, he takes the time to explain the importance of a healthy spine and nerve system and how it is related to your health.

3.  He analyzes
There are many different forms and styles of analyzing the spine and nerve system. Most chiropractors use some form of palpation to feel for muscle imbalances, spinal asymmetries, and areas of inflammation. Many chiropractors utilize x-rays as a more comprehensive and specific method of spinal analysis. Thermal scanning, EMG scanning, and leg checks are all tests that can gain important information about the function of your nerve system. Once all the data is collected, he explains exactly what and where your problem is and his course of action for correction. This explanation should be logical and concise. Never be afraid to ask questions before, during, and after your exam.

4.  He gets results
When the developer of chiropractic, B.J. Palmer, was asked, "To what do you attribute your success?" he simply responded, "Results!" The primary responsibility of a chiropractor is to restore spine and nerve system function. If your chiropractor can do this and explain why it has improved, then you are definitely in the right office.

5.  He has passion
As in any profession, the people who are the most successful and effective are the ones who love what they do. If you get a good vibe when you walk into the office or feel excited for your chiropractic appointment, chances are it is because of the passion that your chiropractor exudes. That passion alone can go a long way for restoring health to you and your family.

Choosing any health professional is a difficult task.  Choosing the right chiropractor to optimize your spine and nerve system function is imperative to your healthy lifestyle. I hope the 5 keys above will help you evaluate and make the best decision for your health.

Abundant blessings,

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Find more information at his website. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Friday, May 18, 2012

3 Tests More Important than Your Cholesterol

So why do we have poor health? Our poor health stems from an inability to adapt to our environment. Looking at two hospital workers who are exposed to the same germs on a daily basis, why does one get sick and not the other? Obviously the one who did not get sick had the ability to fight off the germs. Where does that ability come from? It is the system in our body that coordinates all other functions. Your nervous system, which is made up of your brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

If the health of our nerve system is responsible for coordinating every other function in the body, we should probably have some tests that measure how our nerve system is functioning. The following are 3 tests that are more important than your cholesterol level, blood pressure, and BMI.

1. Spinal Thermography

This test takes less than 30 seconds and compares the skin temperature around the spine. This is a "snap shot" picture of how your autonomic nervous system is functioning, which is the part of your nerve system that coordinates organs and glands. Depending on the type of thermography used, your scan should be balanced left to right or top to bottom. Chiropractic care has been shown to bring an abnormal scan into balance, thus improving nerve system function and overall health.

2. Spinal sEMG

Surface Electromyography (sEMG) is a test that is completed to measure overall muscle tone and balance across the spine. Muscles are controlled by a part of your nervous system known as the motor nerve system, responsible for movement of joints, balance, coordination, and posture. Increased muscle tension and imbalance across the spine is largely due to spinal subluxations (misalignments that place increased stress and irritation on the nerve system). This increased tension can lead to poor posture, pain, headaches, poor balance, and fatigue. Chiropractic adjustments restore spinal alignment to help reduce muscle tension and increase coordination of your nervous system.

3. Heart Rate Variability

The average heart rate in humans is around 60-75 beats per minute. However, if your heart beats at 60 times per minute, those beats do not fall exactly one second apart. One beat may occur at 0.9 seconds and the next beat may occur at 1.1 seconds, so there is a variability in your heart rate. A low heart rate variability has been linked to heart failure, diabetes, SIDS, and poor outcomes in premature infants. The greater variability in your heart rate, the better you are able to adapt to your environment and experience a high level of health and function. There are many factors that affect this score including hormones, stress levels, and sleep cycle. However, chiropractic care has been shown to increase your heart rate variability score, thus increasing your adaptability and overall health.

I am not telling you to forget about your cholesterol, blood pressure, and weight scores, but I am telling you to ask questions about what those numbers might mean and what is the course of action for improvement. Medication can easily change a lot of your test scores, but chronic use of medication is never the best route for achieving a higher level of health. If you are truly seeking better health, then it has to start with the system that coordinates everything else, the nervous system!

Remember, "Health comes from within, that's the ways it's always been!"

Abundant blessings,

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Find more information at his website. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Monday, April 23, 2012

3 Secrets Pharmaceutical Companies Capitalize On

We live in an instant gratification society. We want results and we want them NOW. This correlates directly with how we care for our health.  If we are in pain, we want it to be gone. If we have high blood pressure or cholesterol, we want it lowered. These instant results are easily fulfilled through medication, whether it is prescription or over-the-counter. However, are these instant results actually promoting our health or have the pharmaceutical companies been capitalizing on our results driven society?

Here are three secrets the drug companies capitalize on:

1. The FDA does not test drugs

The FDA is the governmental agency that reviews food and drugs for public consumption and safety. Notice that I said "review" not test. The responsibility for drug testing lies with the drug company itself (the company selling the product and profiting from its use).  The results are then reviewed by the FDA to determine if the benefits of the drug outweigh the risks. Thousands of these drugs that have been determined to be "safe" have been recalled due to adverse reactions and serious health implications. This brings into question the efficacy of the FDA and pharmaceutical companies, but that is a whole different topic entirely.

However, our society is not innocent. We want instant gratification and that is what medication gives us. The only reason many of the drug companies are at the top of the Fortune 500 is because they have fulfilled this niche with their medications. Please understand that we will never improve our health as individuals and as a nation with that mindset. Big Pharma companies will continue to capitalize until we change our thinking. Sickness takes time to develop and so does health and healing. Take the time to build your health!

2. Drugs are for Disease Management not Health Restoration

If you have hypertension (high blood pressure), you can obtain any number of medications that can bring your blood pressure into a normal range. However, if you do nothing to change the cause of your high blood pressure (i.e. poor nutrition, lack of exercise, high stress, spinal subluxations), then the medication becomes a management for hypertension and does nothing to restore health. That is a great business model for the pharmaceutical companies, because the more diseases you manage with medication, the more money they make. They don't make money if you find out how to get healthy and stay healthy, because healthy people do not take medication.

3. Drugs lead to more drugs

This statement isn't rocket science. All you have to do is turn on the TV and listen to all the side effects of all the advertised medications. (By the way, did you know that the US and New Zealand are the only two nations in the world that allow advertising for medication.) If you take a medication and experience side effects, do you think the drug company may have another medications to help suppress those side effects? It would be bad business if they didn't. Now your one medication, turns into 2, 4, and 8. Before you know it, you are one of the statistics - 50% of people over age 65 that take more than 5 medications daily.

Saving Lives vs Healthy Living

Please understand that there are thousands of medications and medical procedures that save lives every day. However, there are also hundreds of thousands of people that die every year due to the adverse reactions of their medications. There is a difference between saving a life and restoring health. Medicine specializes in saving lives, but there are many other professions outside of medicine that seek to restore health. Chiropractic is one of those professions.

As I tell all my patients, NEVER go off any medication without discussing it with your prescribing physician. However, I also explain to all my patients that you will never be as healthy as you could be while managing a disease with medication. The pharmaceutical companies have made billions of dollars saving lives and managing diseases with their products, but ultimately our health is our own responsibility. The pharmaceutical companies will continue to capitalize on their ingenious business plan until we start taking our health responsibilities seriously.

Abundant blessings,

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Find more information at his website. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fore! Ways Chiropractic Can Improve Your Golf Score

For those of us who live north of the Mason Dixon line, we have to wait for the snow to melt before we grab the links and hit the greens. Lucky for us this year, spring came early! Avid and amateur golfers alike are always looking to try new ways to lower their score. Here are four ways chiropractic care could help achieve a healthier handicap.

1. Better balance

When I see someone in my office, one of the spinal screening tests that I can perform is a bilateral weight distribution. Instead of stepping on one scale, I use two scales (one for each foot) and see how your weight is distributed from side to side. People with spinal subluxation (misalignment that increases stress on your delicate nerve system) will normally have a weight distribution greater than 5 pounds from one side compared to another. The worst I have ever seen has been over a 50 pound difference. If you are a golfer, you understand that proper weight distribution is essential for an effective golf swing. By receiving chiropractic adjustments to restore spinal alignment, I can help to bring your weight back into balance, which can lead to a more efficient swing, which hopefully leads to fewer strokes on the course.

2. Decreased muscle tension

Another test that I run in the office is a paraspinal sEMG (surface electromyography), which is a way to measure muscle activity around the spine. Again, people with spinal subluxations consistently show increased and imbalanced spinal musculature. My grandfather taught me in Golf 101 to RELAX. Increased muscle tension leads to poor coordination of your swing, which can lead to slices, hooks, or simply just duffed tee shots. Again, chiropractic adjustments help to reduce that muscle tension that you may or may not even be aware of and I can show you with the technology in our office!

3. Increased range of motion

Part of a spinal subluxation includes a decrease in motion between spinal bones. Range of motion decreases significantly as the number of spinal subluxations increase. This is especially important to understand for the strength of your swing. The force of your swing is generated from the pivoting of your legs, hips, and low back and follows with your shoulders, arms, and wrists. This requires an incremental and fluid motion from lower to upper body. A healthy, subluxation free spine is like a freshly picked twig that produces a lot of whip and torque when it is swung. Compared to a spine with subluxation, which is like a dead branch. The dead branch can still produce a force, but not nearly the amount compared to the young twig. In fact, if there is repetitive torque placed on a subluxated spine, over time it can lead to serious degeneration and injury. A chiropractic adjustment is a fast, gently, and specific force used to restore motion and alignment to a subluxated spinal bone. Ultimately, getting regular chiropractic adjustments can keep you swinging longer and stronger.

4. Improved coordination

Muscle memory and coordination are essential for an effective golf swing. Without giving you an entire neurology lesson, let me briefly describe how your spine and brain are connected. Whenever we engage in a dynamic movement (i.e. your golf swing), the brain must send messages down nerves to all the muscles that need to engage in order to produce the desired motion. However, our body is so dynamic and adaptive that messages from all the spinal joints and muscles are constantly sending messages back to the brain, which the brain uses to increase the efficiency of your movement. If you have a spinal subluxation, this will send distorted and incomplete information back to the brain, which will in turn lead to poor messages sent out by your brain, which leads to poor coordination. Obviously the more fine tuned your swing becomes, the better the golfer you will become. Chiropractic adjustments help to maximize the messages between your brain and body by removing spinal subluxations and improving your coordination.

Tiger Woods is still an amazing golfer despite his recent moral judgements and he said, "Being a Chiropractic patient has really helped me immensely...lifting weights and seeing a Chiropractor on a regular basis has made me a better golfer. I've been going to Chiropractors for as long as I can remember. It's as important to my training as practicing my swing."

Although I cannot guarantee you a green jacket, I can say that I have many people who improve their golf game through regular chiropractic adjustments.

Abundant drives,

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Find more information at his website. Follow him on facebook and twitter.