Thursday, March 7, 2013

Healthy Go Lucky! Four "UNlucky" Notions that Lead to UNhealthy

“Dr. Dan, you are so LUCKY that you and your family are always so healthy,” is a statement that my wife and I hear a lot more than one would expect. I decided to write this article to help people understand that health has NOTHING to do with LUCK. In fact, a great quote from a Roman philosopher states that Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” This quote has been adapted by many famous success stories today such as 
Tony Robbins and Oprah.
We are all born with the opportunity to be healthy and maintain our health throughout our life. But then we get hit hard by societal situations that prepare us to be unhealthy. As we become more technologically advanced, we move further and further away from our intelligent healthy design. The preparation for health is lost among TV, work, food, and the myth that our genes control our health regardless of what we do.  In order to get healthy and stay healthy, it takes focused preparation on a daily basis. So let’s talk about four situations that we are all too familiar with and how they set us up to be unhealthy.    

       The UNLucky Genes

Diabetes runs in my family,” is a statement that I hear all too often in my practice (Substitute diabetes with any of the other chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, depression, etc.).  The biggest MYTH in modern society is that genes dictate our health and what diseases we will get – that there is nothing we can do about it. THIS IS BOGUS! Our genes have not changed in thousands of years. Again, our genes have not changed in thousands of years! One more time, our genes have not changed in thousands of years!!! Yet the incidence of all these chronic diseases has increased exponentially over the past several decades. Genes couldn't possibly be to blame!

This massive increase in these modern day diseases cannot be blamed on genetics. Blaming your genes for your sickness is like blaming your books for your bad grades in school. Your genes are nothing more than information. They are a book, “How to build a human FOR DUMMIES.” If you were to open that book, a human doesn’t magically appear. There has to be some governing life force or intelligence that has the ability to read, interpret, and apply the information. 

This innate intelligence of life is always present and has the ability to adapt to environmental changes. Unfortunately, our society has set up a very poor environment in which we now must exist. This poor environment has forced our bodies to read, interpret and apply our genetic information at such a rapid rate that eventually the efficiency breaks down and leads to sickness. We are literally animals living in captivity. 

However, if we take small steps to return our environment to one that we were designed to flourish in, our intelligent bodies will indeed return to a state of health and we could reverse over 2/3 of all diseases that we struggle with today. Therefore, do not be a victim of your genes by blaming your parents and grandparents for your sickness. Instead, prepare yourself for the opportunity to be healthy, the opportunity we were all born with. 
This is the first of four "UNlucky" notions that lead to an UNhealthy you.  Next week we'll talk about the second notion - the UNlucky Food Options.

You are not unhealthy because of bad luck or bad genes. You are unhealthy because of our societal misconceptions of health and the bad habits that go along with them.  We all need preparation and positive action to live in health at all times.  Being away of unhealthy situations is the first step to turning your luck health around!

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.