Monday, December 15, 2014

Winter Ways to Boost Your Immunity - 4

With the cold wind blowing and the snow falling, there’s bound to be a sniffle in the air. Some people seem to always be battling some kind of illness from December until March. But others rarely seem to be under the weather. What are those people doing differently to keep the colds away?

The secret is out (and it’s not found on a drug store shelf)! There are lots of ways to boost your immunity naturally – many that you can do without too much extra effort (just healthy decision making).

Here are 10 secrets to boosting your immunity this winter.

5.     Drink More Water

I am known as a water pusher, but there’s a reason – it’s what your body needs! It’s impossible to fit all the benefits that drinking water offers in one blog (or one book even), so let’s still to why staying hydrated is great for your immune system.

Water helps in the production of lymph, which facilitates the immune system’s movement of white blood cells and nutrients to all the tissues of the body (read – pretty important in the grand scheme of sickness prevention) In short – if you have no lymph, your white blood cells and other immune cells could not get to the parts of the body they need to be to fight infection.

Water flushes toxins from your body via your kidneys. Water helps your cells take in the nutrients that they need and expel what they don’t as waste product. If you’re dehydrated, toxins will build up. The presents of toxins weakens the function of all systems – including your immune system. That’s why effectively removing toxins from your body is such an important job.

Water also keeps your mouth and eyes clean by keeping them moist. The moisture of these areas helps them to repel dirt, dust, bacteria, mold, and parasites that could cause infection if digested. This acts as a first line of defense in your fight against illness. If you can stop the invaders there, then you stop the cold well before it becomes a threat to everyday activity.

Water is an important ingredient in long-term health.  There are a surprising number of health challenges (or not surprising if you’ve already bumped up your H20 IQ) that can be greatly reduced or eliminated through proper hydration. Arthritis and joint problems, headaches, and insomnia are just a few examples of health challenges that can improve with a few extra glasses.

To ensure that you’re getting enough water in the winter months, there are a few simple tricks to try. Carrying a reusable water bottle with you is a great way to not only track how much you are drinking, but also make sure what water is always a beverage option. When you choose something else to drink (whether it be a soda, caffeinated, or alcoholic beverage), remember that it does not count towards your water tally and alternate between that option and some good, clean, H20.

Check back later this week for the more ways to power through this cold season (and weather) to maintain a happy, healthy you.
Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

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