Monday, October 15, 2012

Do's and Don'ts of Detox

It happens to the best of us. We try so hard to follow healthy eating habits, but then the stress of life gets in the way and we fall off the wagon. I am sharing from a recent personal experience in hopes that you, too, can get back on track as quickly as possible through detoxification.

The pelvis of a 12 year old patient with digestive issues
Why detoxify? Detoxifying the body:
  • Boosts your energy levels
  • Regulates bowel/bladder function
  • Increases mental clarity
  • Stimulates weight loss 
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Decreases blood pressure
  • Decreases acne and other skin blemishes
  • Improves breathing

When your body is free from toxins, you are free to be healthy.

From saunas and foot baths to spices and herbs, the human race has been practicing different methods of detoxification for centuries.

But did you know that our bodies have an innate detoxification process directed through the liver and kidneys. I want to share my do's and don'ts designed to facilitate our innate detoxification process.

The DOs
  1. Drink Only Purified Water - That is either reverse osmosis (RO) or distilled water. These types of water are free from many elements such as chlorine and fluorine that are found in most public drinking water. Be sure to drink 1 oz of water for every kilogram (take your weight in pounds and divide by 2) of body weight.
  2. Eat Vegetables and Fruits - Broccoli, Carrots, Squash, Onions, Peppers, Garlic, Beets, and tons and tons of greens (spinach, kale, collard, spring mixes, etc.). Fresh, raw and organic are best. Steamed and sauteed (with water, not oil!) also taste great and do the job. Spices and Celtic sea salt are great options to flavor your food!
  3. Sleep - Sleeping 8 hours a night is imperative for health and when you drastically change your diet for a few days, your energy levels may fluctuate greatly. Be prepared and get your rest.
  4. See Your Chiropractor - If your spine looks like the one in this post, it impacts your body on a neurological level. When your nerve system is not functioning properly, vital detox organs like your liver, kidney and intestines are affected as well. 
  1. Eat Sugar, Dairy, Grains, Oils, Coffee, or Alcohol - Many of these are the cause of toxicity in your body! You need to eliminate them during this process to give your body a rest.
  2. Exercise Intensely - Intense exercise will build up specific metabolic by-products that your body then has to process. Rest over this period of time is key. Walking is an excellent choice instead.
  3. Use Artificial Supplements - "Natural" supplementation is a multi-billion dollar industry and although there may be great supplements that could facilitate your detox, many supplements have fillers and artificial ingredients that can add stress to your body. Check with your natural healthcare practitioner if you are unsure of any products.
Use the tips above to jump start yourself to better health. I recommend following the protocol for a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 7-10 days. If you are utilizing my tips for longer that the minimum recommendation, please be sure to add protein back into the diet after day 3. The best protein options are eggs, wild caught fish, organic/grass fed/free-range meat, legumes, and nuts. Only eat ONE serving size 2-3x per day.

WARNING: Those who use this detox will most likely continue to make better health choices even after the completion of the program. Remember to always discuss major lifestyle changes with your health care provider.

Abundant blessings,

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.