Monday, May 16, 2011

Awareness 101

As I was preparing to run my first marathon ever (26.2 miles!), I was finishing up my training with a 13 mile run two weekends ago.  I started off great, making it up a huge hill within the first 2 miles and got into my groove through mile 3.  But as I ascended the second major hill in my run, I felt that nagging emotion and crushing sensation that it was time to walk. My breaths increased frequency, my steps became shorter, and my leg muscles burned until I had to give into the feeling and slow my pace to a walk. Breaking pace has got to be once of the most frustrating events as a runner, especially when I knew exactly why it was occurring. In fact, if I had to predict that day how my run would go, I could have easily told you that it would be a struggle. 

Why did I know this? Because the weekend just prior, I was visiting some family members out of town and I drastically deviated from my typical eating habits. I had a few deserts and two alcoholic beverages that I had not been accustomed to up to that point in my training.  That meant I was going to have a tough run. Why is that so important? My point is that I was aware of my poor dietary input, so much so in fact, that I could predict my future output.

Let's use a computer as another example. If a virus is downloaded onto a computer, what will be the result? Obviously we know that the computer will slow down and wreak havoc on our production. But if instead of a virus, an upgraded software version is downloaded, then our efficiency increases by leaps and bounds. This is the universal law of action and reaction or input and output. And guess what - Your health is to subject this same law!

It amazes me the number of people that I speak to who struggle with a number of health challenges; obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, asthma, allergies, muscle cramping and pain, fatigue, insomnia, depression, arthritis (believe me, the list goes on). Most people blame these health problems on bad luck or bad genes and worse yet, they believe there is nothing they can do except to manage their conditions with medication.  Fortunately, this is just not the case.

Allow me to take the first step in increasing your awareness. Your health (output) is the product of your life experiences and choices (input) up to this point. But even more exciting is that we have the ability to change our health by simply becoming more aware and changing our input! That's fantastic news!

In my experience, the best healers are the ones who facilitate increased awareness in all people they encounter.  That is why I have a personal mission to elevate the awareness of every person I meet. Just like I immediately knew I was going to have a tough run, you can get to the root of any or all of your health challenges and start to predict your future as a result of increasing your awareness. The substances we choose to consume or not consume, the TV shows we watch, the publications we read, the thoughts we think, and the relationships we share all have a monumental effect on our health.

Five Beginning Steps for Increasing Awareness: 
  1. Find a coach/partner. We gain more insight from those who hold us accountable.
  2. Collect and read the labels of everything you consume in one week. If you cannot understand (or even pronounce!) the ingredients, chances are, it is not the best option for consumption.
  3. Write down everything you watch and read in one week. Does it create a positive or negative emotional state? It has to be one or the other, there is no neutral. 
  4. Evaluate the relationships of the 5 people you hang out with most. When you are with them, do you find yourself more joyful, relaxed, and peaceful OR fearful, anxious, and fatigued?
  5. Interview and choose a chiropractor. We experience life through our nerve system.  A chiropractor's responsibility is to make sure that system is as clear as possible, so that you may experience health and life to the fullest.  Trying to increase your awareness without one would be like watching satellite TV in the middle of a storm. Can you make out the plot? Sure, but the fuzziness will leave you frustrated and keep you from gaining an appreciation of the whole story.
When we start to become more aware of what we put in, the output begins to make a lot more sense. Will it be easy? Of course not.  But what in life is worth pursuing if it is easily attained?

Always empowering,

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Find more information at his website. Follow him on facebook and twitter. 

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