Thursday, January 23, 2014

5 Daily Habits for Every Healthy Family #2

Everyone wants their family to be healthy.  Often that means making lifestyle changes and forming habits that promote overall health. Once you’ve decided to commit to a change, where do you start? The good news is that there are a handful of healthy habits that any family can adapt and grow with.

Here are Daily Habit #2: Actively Participate

This habit is simple. The more activities that engage our families physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually, the healthier we become. Technology is a wonderful thing and allows us to connect with friends all over the world. But it can also make us completely oblivious to the people sitting right next to us including our spouses and children. It is even scarier to see my two year old son glued to a piece of technology with absolutely no acknowledgment of my presence when I am calling his name. I hear teenagers and husbands are just as bad, if not worse.

I am guilty of this too. My wife can carry on an entire conversation with me giving blind acknowledgements, but if I am on my phone or computer, at the end of the conversation I have no recollection of what just transpired. 

I argue that families who step away from the technology (TV, internet, phones) for an hour or two each day and engage in a board game, puzzle, church event, or brisk walk will be much healthier than families who do not. Technology has changed our world for the better, but it has also become an addicting habit for many people. If you want a healthier family, then you need healthier habits. If this seems like a big step for your family, then start simple: tossing the technology aside for just an hour each evening and engage in an active activity that is agreed upon by all.  Make it a rule that phones are not checked during dinner (or until the dishes are washed!)

Choosing to have a healthy family is a great resolution. Making small changes into healthy habits is the best way to see lasting improvement in your family’s overall health. Check back later this week for Healthy Habit #3!  

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter. 

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