Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Winter Ways to Boost Your Immunity - 5

With the cold wind blowing and the snow falling, there’s bound to be a sniffle in the air. Some people seem to always be battling some kind of illness from December until March. But others rarely seem to be under the weather. What are those people doing differently to keep the colds away?

The secret is out (and it’s not found on a drug store shelf)! There are lots of ways to boost your immunity naturally – many that you can do without too much extra effort (just healthy decision making).

Here are 10 secrets to boosting your immunity this winter.

6.  Check In with Your Chiropractor

Stopping in for a “tune up” to make sure that your nervous system is function at its top level is an extremely important step in immunity boosting. Why? Because the nervous system controls and coordinates every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body. That includes your…Immune System!

If there’s interference that effects the communication between your brain and your immune system (interference to your nervous system), the communication slows or stops. And that delay or missed communication can lead to a poor immune defense and more frequent illness.

Picture a garden hose. When the hose is free of interference, laid out nicely in the yard, the water flows from the spout to the flowers through the hose with no trouble at all. If there’s a kink or twist in the hose (don’t you hate when that happens?) the water slows to a tickle or stops all together. The flowers don’t get what they need and nothing is accomplished until you remove that kink interfering

with your watering.

The same is true for our nervous system. When there is no interference, messages run from the brain, to every part of your body and back with smooth, rocket-line efficiency. But when there is an interference – a misalignment or lack of motion (don’t you hate when that happens?) those messages go from a rush to a drizzle. And those messages are important! The brain could be telling the immune system “send in the troops”, but if the message is impeded it might not matter. Removing the interference boosts immune system function because it allows the messages to reach their intended destinations without delay.

Luckily, if you have a chiropractor as part of your health care team, you already know someone that can help. In fact, a chiropractor’s sole goal is to locate and remove interference (a misalignment or lack of motion called a subluxation) from the nervous system through chiropractic adjustments. So you’re in good hands (pun intended, I apologize).

If you’re already coming down with something, it’s not too late to pump up your immune system with an adjustment. When a patient calls in because they are sick, I always tell them to get in as soon as they can. An adjustment boost your immune response, can clear out your sinuses, and can help you get much needed rest when you are sick. And if you’re worried about spreading your cold to people in your chiropractor’s office, don’t be. Germs don’t stand a chance when you’re well-adjusted!

Check back later this week for the more ways to power through this cold season (and weather) to maintain a happy, healthy you.

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

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