Thursday, May 7, 2015

What is Water? Drinks 1-2.

Water is essential for life. You can survive 3 weeks without food, but barely 3 days without water. So it’s obvious why hydration is so important to health. But what truly hydrates us? Is it just water or does a soda work, too? Patients always ask me what counts towards their daily water intake and how much water they need to stay healthy.

In honor of Drink Water Month, I put together my list of what is and isn’t water.

Juice: This one falls into the “it depends” category. If the juice is 100% fruit juice, then it counts as a serving of fruit and also adds to your water tally. If there is more on the label that just the juice or it’s only a percentage “real” juice, then you run into the same problems as soda. Be label-choosy here and you’ll end up with the healthiest, best tasting option.

Fruits & Vegetables: Fruits are an excellent source for water. The highest ranked is Watermelon at 90% water. Other options include melons and citrus. But remember – fruit also adds sugar, so if you’re watching your weight, keep your fruit servings to 2-3 daily. Vegetables can also provide a nutrient-rich water source, though not as much as fruit. Stick with celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers, and Romaine lettuce. And there’s no limit to your daily veggie intake, so eat up!
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Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.  

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