Monday, October 21, 2013

Fighting the C Word: 4 Questions You Should Be Asking About Breast Cancer Part 3

It is that time of year again. The pink banners are waving strong, the walks are planned, the football players are dressed. Yes, breast cancer awareness month is upon us.

Adding Toxins Does Not Make
A Person Healthy or Well
Cancer has the second highest mortality rate in the United States behind heart disease and breast cancer is the leading type of cancer in women. Over the past decade, many organizations have done a fabulous job in raising hundreds of millions of dollars for cancer treatment, research, and awareness. I do applaud the millions of people who have taken the time and spent the energy towards these heart felt causes. However, over the next four weeks I am going to ask some brutally honest questions that may challenge many of your beliefs and current understanding in order to bring to light an increased understanding of breast cancer and the restoration of health.

Over this month, I invite you to follow me through four fundamental discussion points based on our current societal understanding of cancer. Ask yourself what rings true and what could be improved upon. Shall we…?
Discussion Point 3: Chemicals vs. Curing
Last week I talked about preventing cancer (and other disease), but this week I want to address your choices if you do face the difficulty of a cancer diagnosis. Let me say that again, your CHOICES. As an individual with autonomy, you have the right to choose your healthcare options and the more information you have, the better your choices will be.

Cutting It Out Doesn't Solve The Problem
 Remember that disease, like darkness, cannot be removed because it is merely the absence of health. However, the standard in cancer treatment at this point in time is chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery or some combination of the three. All three of which are aimed at killing cancer cells within the body. However, the reason you have cancer is because your body has lost its ability to express its natural state of health. Killing the cancer cells through chemotherapy and radiation or trying to remove them through surgery is NEVER the cure. Yes, this could buy you time in the short term, but adding toxic chemicals/radiation or surgically removing body parts will never restore balance to your body and return you to your natural state of health. However, most cancer treatment specialists are trained to measure the success of your treatment based on the presence or absence of cancer cells and do not address the environment that laid the foundation for the cancer to spread in the first place. If you do not change your lifestyle choices and feed your body the basic essentials for health, then you are very likely to end up in the high percentage of individuals who have a relapse of cancer.

Therefore, if I may put this as bluntly and boldly as possible, you and I have the cure for cancer! It is the awareness and respect that life is intelligent and life always favors and moves towards a state of health and balance. If we simply provide our body with all that it requires and remove from our body anything that is toxic, we will become masters of health restoration and promotion. We will have conquered this battle of cancer and many other diseases!
What do I do?
The good news is that your body is constantly striving towards health and the minute you decide to start placing your body in a healthy environment is the minute that you will begin to heal, whether you have a cancer diagnosis or just wish to prevent it.
Dr. Dan’s Do-It-Daily Tips:

Take a quality supplement. I take and recommend that my patients take 3000mg of omega 3 fish oil daily. These oils are essential in the diet and are not made by the body. They assist in cell membrane and nerve system integrity and are a foundational building block for health. Yes, it would be great to get it from fish, but our fish sources have been so toxified with heavy metals, that it is impossible to get the recommended omega 3’s without supplementing. I also recommend a quality multivitamin (stay tuned for future blogs on supplementation) that will cover all your B-vitamins, fat soluble vitamins (A,E,D, and K), and plenty of trace minerals (i.e. Calcium, selenium, iodine and zinc).
For the past 20 years, our answer to cancer has been to throw money at the problem with unwavering commitment to reducing cancer rates. We are often reminded that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. This unwillingness to change has only led to more cancer, decreased quality of life, and death. It is time for you and I to take full responsibility for our health as an individual. As a society, we must start asking better questions to get the answer we are looking for - better health.  It’s not an understatement to say lives depend on it.

Check back next week for our final discussion point - point title here - and another Dr. Dan's Do-It-Daily Tip.

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Fighting the C Word: 4 Questions You Should Be Asking About Breast Cancer Part 2

It is that time of year again. The pink banners are waving strong, the walks are planned, the football players are dressed. Yes, breast cancer awareness month is upon us.

Mammograms Do Not Prevent Cancer
Cancer has the second highest mortality rate in the United States behind heart disease and breast cancer is the leading type of cancer in women. Over the past decade, many organizations have done a fabulous job in raising hundreds of millions of dollars for cancer treatment, research, and awareness. I do applaud the millions of people who have taken the time and spent the energy towards these heart felt causes. However, over the next four weeks I am going to ask some brutally honest questions that may challenge many of your beliefs and current understanding in order to bring to light an increased understanding of breast cancer and the restoration of health. 

Over this month, I invite you to follow me through four fundamental discussion points based on our current societal understanding of cancer. Ask yourself what rings true and what could be improved upon. 

Shall we…?

Discussion Point 2: Prevention vs. Early Detection
In the last several months, I have been shopping around for “health” insurance because our government tells me that I must have it (different topic for another blog). Many of the insurance companies tried to sell me on the fact that they offer so many “preventive” screenings per year. If you are getting screened for anything, this falls under the category of early detection, not prevention. If you get screened for breast cancer and they find cancer, you did not prevent anything, and hopefully you detected it early enough that you can do something about it. Please be a wise health care consumer and advocate and know the drastic difference between these two categories.
The only way to prevent cancer (or any disease) is to promote health. Lucky for us, health, homeostasis, or balance is our body’s natural state. We will constantly move toward or away from our natural state of health in direct response to our daily life choices. How do you prevent darkness from occurring in a room? You leave the light on. You cannot remove the darkness because it does not exist; it is only the absence of light. Cancer (disease) is the same way. How do you prevent cancer? You leave your health on by making healthy choices every day in your life. You cannot remove disease from your body, you must promote health.
I do hear the arguments coming in now, “Sure Dr. Dan, you talk about preventing cancer, but what happens if I do get screened and find out that I have it? Is it not better to detect it early?” The answer depends on what you choose to do with the information once you have it.  That leads to next week's Curing vs. Chemicals discussion. 

How Do I Fight Cancer?
The good news is that your body is constantly striving towards health and the minute you decide to start placing your body in a healthy environment is the minute that you will begin to heal, whether you have a cancer diagnosis or just wish to prevent it.
Dr. Dan’s Do-It-Daily Tips:

Eat more veggies. I aim to eat a minimum of 5 servings of vegetables each day. If I miss my vegies, my body knows it due to my low energy.

For the past 20 years, our answer to cancer has been to throw money at the problem with unwavering commitment to reducing cancer rates. We are often reminded that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. This unwillingness to change has only led to more cancer, decreased quality of life, and death. It is time for you and I to take full responsibility for our health as an individual. As a society, we must start asking better questions to get the answer we are looking for - better health.  It’s not an understatement to say lives depend on it.

Check back next week for our third discussion point - Chemicals vs Curing - and another Dr. Dan's Do-It-Daily Tip.
Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fighting the C Word: 4 Questions You Should Be Asking About Breast Cancer Part 1

It is that time of year again. The pink banners are waving strong, the walks are planned, the football players are dressed. Yes, breast cancer awareness month is upon us.

Ask the Tough Questions
Cancer has the second highest mortality rate in the United States behind heart disease and breast cancer is the leading type of cancer in women. Over the past decade, many organizations have done a fabulous job in raising hundreds of millions of dollars for cancer treatment, research, and awareness. I do applaud the millions of people who have taken the time and spent the energy towards these heart felt causes. However, over the next four weeks I am going to ask some brutally honest questions that may challenge many of your beliefs and current understanding in order to bring to light an increased understanding of breast cancer and the restoration of health.
We start with a simple question: Have we seen cancer rates decrease in the past 10 or 20 years? The answer is a resounding no. Cancer rates continue to rise even with the millions of dollars that are spent on research and treatment.

This simple answer leads to more difficult questions: Where are we spending our money when it comes to cancer research and treatment? If we are spending more and more money on research, treatment, and awareness, why are the cancer rates not only not decreasing but INCREASING?
Over this month, I invite you to follow me through four fundamental discussion points based on our current societal understanding of cancer. Ask yourself what rings true and what could be improved upon. Shall we…?

Discussion Point 1: Genes vs. Environment
Every day in practice, I hear the argument that our health challenges are genetic. Recently there was a famous celebrity who had both breasts removed because she tested positive for one of the breast cancer genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2). News flash:  EVERYONE has the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. It only increases the risk of breast cancer if the gene has an abnormal mutation and accounts for less than 10% of all breast cancer cases. (Straight from Again, it only increases the RISK; it is not a death sentence. There are many women who inherit an abnormal breast cancer gene and never develop breast cancer. What is my point? Our society has placed way too high an emphasis on our genes, which we have no control over. This creates a victim mentality. I am here to dispel this myth and let you know that you have more control over your health than you may have every imagined. And you do NOT have to cut off your breasts for that control. 
Genes are a blueprint -
it's all in how your body reads them
Our genes are nothing but a blueprint, a plan to follow.  It would be ridiculous to believe that a building springs up out of a blueprint without a coordinated team of architects, contractors, and construction crews. This team also knows what type of building is optimal for different environments, can adjust the blueprint and construct appropriately. Your body works in much the same way. Your genes map the blueprint for many different environmental conditions (i.e. hot, cold, food surplus/deficiency, joy, and fear) Cancer is only correlated with stressful environmental conditions (i.e. toxic and excessive food, poor body movement, stinking thinking). It is not correlated with abnormal gene mutation. You may have the highest number of gene mutations out of anyone on earth, but if you are always providing your body with a healthy environment and quality building material, than it will never read the so called cancer genes and you will never develop cancer. What does this mean? You, more than anyone else, are responsible for your health or lack thereof.
What do I do?
The good news is that your body is constantly striving towards health and the minute you decide to start placing your body in a healthy environment is the minute that you will begin to heal, whether you have a cancer diagnosis or just wish to prevent it.
Dr. Dan’s Do-It-Daily Tips:
Move your body! You are designed to move. I get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. Even a brisk walk can make a huge impact. Small steps over time equals BIG results. Get a partner and get moving.

For the past 20 years, our answer to cancer has been to throw money at the problem with unwavering commitment to reducing cancer rates. We are often reminded that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. This unwillingness to change has only led to more cancer, decreased quality of life, and death. It is time for you and I to take full responsibility for our health as an individual. As a society, we must start asking better questions to get the answer we are looking for - better health.  It’s not an understatement to say lives depend on it.
Check back next week for our second discussion point - Prevention vs. Early Detection - and another Dr. Dan's Do-It-Daily Tip.

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

4 Quick Backpack Safety Tips Part 4

Parents are often surprised when their generally healthy child complains of neck, back, or shoulder pain. Even more so if they mention headaches, fatigue or tingling numbness in the arms.

Before you run to Web MD to see what the diagnosis could be, stop for a moment and think.  The culprit may be right in front of you...or in this case, behind them.  Backpacks that are the wrong size, wrong weight, poorly packed or poorly worn can lead to serious health challenges and later in life.  But that doesn't change the fact that things need to be carried.

What is a parent to do?

Here is the Last of Four Quick Tips for Backpack Safety (and what parents can do to help!

Backpacks should fit the wearer.  There are many sizes and shapes for a reason.  The backpack should fit the child’s size and age appropriately; not the number of books they think they need to carry!  When sized correctly, the bottom of the bag should rest in the curve of the lower back – no more than 4 inches below the waistline. 

What can parents do?

Make sure the backpack fits the wearer.  Checking once a week before your child walks out the door is a great habit to start.  Do this while asking “do you have your homework/lunch/umbrella” and you won’t even add an extra step to the out-the-door process.

Once you have the backpack under control your child may notice a difference in muscle tension, headaches, neck or back pain. If these types of issues persist, it is probably a good idea to talk to your chiropractor. Some postural issues are easily corrected and can make a world of difference to your child's health now and for years to come. The easiest thing to do is ask. 

 Check out Dr. Dan's Backpack Safety Video for a quick recap of our all our tips!

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

4 Quick Backpack Safety Tips Part 3

There are TWO for a Reason!
Parents are often surprised when their generally healthy child complains of neck, back, or shoulder pain. Even more so if they mention headaches, fatigue or tingling numbness in the arms.

Before you run to Web MD to see what the diagnosis could be, stop for a moment and think.  The culprit may be right in front of you...or in this case, behind them.  Backpacks that are the wrong size, wrong weight, poorly packed or poorly worn can lead to serious health challenges and later in life.  But that doesn't change the fact that things need to be carried.

What is a parent to do?

A bad choice for heavy loads
Here is the Third of Four Quick Tips for Backpack Safety (and what parents can do to help!)

Backpacks need two straps (and both must be used!) Using just one strap puts all the pressure on a   This causes the body to compensate to keep the head straight, leading to poor posture points at the low back and hip.  This also strains the neck and can lead to greater health challenges in growing spines.  If a bag is designed with a single strap, it might not be the best choice for heavy loads. This goes for purses, briefcases, and diaper bags too!

What can parents do?

Remind your child that wearing two straps is important.  Have them look in the mirror with one strap on and then two.  Look at the difference in their shoulders.  With one strap they will see that the “strapped” side is lower and their posture is poor.  Remind them that they will look taller if they stand straighter.  And lead by example! It’s good for your health too.

Once you have the backpack under control your child may notice a difference in muscle tension, headaches, neck or back pain. If these types of issues persist, it is probably a good idea to talk to your chiropractor. Some postural issues are easily corrected and can make a world of difference to your child's health now and for years to come. The easiest thing to do is ask. 

 Check back next week for Tip #4 (or if you can't wait, check out Dr. Dan's Backpack Safety Video)

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Monday, September 9, 2013

4 Quick Backpack Safety Tips Part 2

Parents are often surprised when their generally healthy child complains of neck, back, or shoulder pain. Even more so if they mention headaches, fatigue or tingling numbness in the arms.

Before you run to Web MD to see what the diagnosis could be, stop for a moment and think.  The culprit may be right in front of you...or in this case, behind them.  Backpacks that are the wrong size, wrong weight, poorly packed or poorly worn can lead to serious health challenges and later in life.  But that doesn't change the fact that things need to be carried.

What is a parent to do?
1 1/2 to 2 inches in the Golden Rule

Here is the Second of Four Quick Tips for Backpack Safety (and what parents can do to help!)

Shoulder straps should be 1 1/2 to 2 inches across and padded.  Having worn a backpack before, you know where all the pressure falls – on the shoulders.  As gravity pulls the bag itself, the weight falls on the shoulders, where there are important blood vessels and nerves that can cause pain, tingling or numbness down the arms when constricted.  Padding cushions the areas of pressure.  A thicker strap spreads the pressure out over a larger area.  This can lead to less pinpoint pain spots and a decrease in overall pressure.

What can parents do?

Check the backpack to make sure that the straps are both wide enough and well padded.  Make sure that the shoulder straps are adjusted to fit your child snugly.  A pack that is worn loosely can pull the child backwards and cause unnecessary strain on their muscles. A well-fitting bag with the correct straps and reduce the immediate pressure felt on the shoulders and neck.  Replace bags that are worn (even if they are favorites).

Once you have the backpack under control your child may notice a difference in muscle tension, headaches, neck or back pain. If these types of issues persist, it is probably a good idea to talk to your chiropractor. Some postural issues are easily corrected and can make a world of difference to your child's health now and for years to come. The easiest thing to do is ask. 

 Check back next week for Tip #3 (or if you can't wait, check out Dr. Dan's Backpack Safety Video

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

4 Quick Backpack Safety Tips Part 1

Tip #1: Watch the Weight
With a new school year comes exciting new classes and activities.  And with those classes and activities comes the need to haul books and assignment, equipment and instruments from point A to point B (and C and D and so on).  Parents are often surprised when their generally healthy child complains of neck, back, or shoulder pain. Even more so if they mention headaches, fatigue or tingling numbness in the arms.

Before you run to Web MD to see what the diagnosis could be, stop for a moment and think.  The culprit may be right in front of you...or in this case, behind them.

Backpacks that are the wrong size, wrong weight, poorly packed or poorly worn can lead to serious health challenges later in life.  But that doesn't change the fact that things need to be carried.

What is a parent to do?

Here is the First of Four Quick Tips for Backpack Safety (and what parents can do to help!)

Watch the Weight!

Backpack weight should not exceed 15% of your body weight (10% for younger children!).  As parents, we know how heavy those bags can get – when we do the math, how heavy should a child be that’s carrying a 25lb bag? At least 170 lbs! This means that a 100 lb child should not be carrying every book that they own on their back.

What can parents do?

Remind your children to only pack the essentials and pack them right.  The biggest, heaviest book stays closest to the body.  This helps keep their center of gravity without too much additional correction and pressure on their backs

Once you have the backpack under control, your child may notice a difference in muscle tension, headaches, neck or back pain. If issues persist, it is time to call your family chiropractor.  These types of issues are often easily corrected in children and teens and can make a world of difference to your child's health now and for years to come. The easiest thing to do is ask.

Check back next week for Tip #2 (or if you can't wait, check out Dr. Dan's Backpack Safety Video)

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hello, H2O! Why I Choose Water

Water! You either love to drink it or you hate it. I hear too many people complain - "why do I need to drink more water instead of 'tasty' drinks like coffee, soda, and energy drinks?".  In honor of drink water month, here are the TWO simple and important reasons I choose water over any other drink on the market!

You Are Healthier!

I feel like a broken record saying this, but sometimes people need to hear something important five, six, or twenty times before they take action. (What number are you on?)

Coffee is grown in regions outside the US where there are less regulations of pesticide use. Creamers have artificial flavorings and preservatives. Energy drinks have artificial chemicals and excessive amounts of caffeine. Many flavored waters use artificial ingredients.  Sports drinks are highly concentrated with sugar and artificial coloring. Have I used the term artificial enough yet?

Distilled and reverse osmosis water are your best options for hydration. Every biochemical reaction in your body requires water. If you are drinking artificial chemicals, then that requires extra reactions for your body to detoxify, which depletes your water stores (this is why the drinks I mentioned above will actually DEhydrate you and not the other way around). Water is the only true source of hydration, so grab your glass, raise it high and toast to a healthier life through the consumption of more water.

You Are Wealthier!

Nothing in life is free, but it sure is way less expensive than coffee or an energy drink.

Let’s say the average 20oz drink costs about two dollars and the average person who does not like to drink water consumes 2-3 of those beverages per day. They are spending about FIVE (average of 4-6) dollars per day on beverages alone (and trust me, that is probably a low ball estimate for some). That is $35 per week or $140 per month on drinks alone! You can get a 5 gallon jug of reverse osmosis water for less than $5, that would last over a week for an individual consuming 80oz of water per day. Did you keep up with all the math?!?! When I can improve my health and wealth with one simple change, it doesn’t get much better than that!

Water is the third most important nutrient the body needs to function behind nerve supply and oxygen supply. Your spine protects nerve supply, so have your spine checked by your chiropractor. Your heart and lungs coordinate oxygen supply, so have those checked by your cardiologist. You and only you regulate how much water you are drinking, so please consume 60-100 oz of pure water daily for your new health habit. CHEERS and bottoms up!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Revamp Your Routine: 4 Exercise Absolutes #4

During the month of March, despite the cold and dreary weather of Southwestern Pennsylvania, I managed to get myself to the gym Monday through Friday at 5am, getting a complete workout in 5 days per week.

We know that all workouts are not created equal; and everyone will tell you they have the best one for you.  Quality workouts will always have a couple of things in common. Here are the four exercise absolutes to help you shape your routine that I have implemented over my past month of successful exercise. 

4.       Recovery Time

Many injuries that I see in my office are related to chronic overuse of a specific muscle group or joint. Our bodies need time to heal. When you exercise, you are stressing the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and bones. That stress weakens the tissue temporarily. The body needs time to repair that stressed tissue. Given the proper time, the tissue will become even stronger and that's how we build muscle. So many of us want to be macho men and women picking up the intensity of our workouts day after day. In the long run (no pun intended), your body will break down to a point of injury, which will essentially force you to take the time off that you should have been taking in the first place.

When it comes to resistance training, I never recommend working out a muscle group more than twice in one week. Even when I was training for my marathon, I never did the same type of running workout more than 1-2 times per week. That is why varying your workouts is so crucial, because you can still work out daily while giving muscle groups a chance to heal and become stronger.

Stretching is also a key factor in your recovery. I do not have a specific stretching time or routine that I stick to; but I can tell you that I stretch several times throughout my day. If I feel my muscles are tight, I stretch that muscle group. Depending on the muscle group, I will hold a stretch for 5-20 seconds (holding longer on large muscle groups).  You don’t have to be a yogi master to take the time to stretch. One to two minutes 3 times a day would make an amazing difference in the strength, flexibility and recovery of your muscles.

This is the final exercise absolute to help you revamp your routine and get the most out of whatever exercise routine you choose. Check back next week for a new healthy topic. (Do you have a burning health question or topic you'd like to hear more about? I'm always open to suggestions!)

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Revamp Your Rountine: 4 Exercise Absolutes #3

During the month of March, despite the cold and dreary weather of Southwestern Pennsylvania, I managed to get myself to the gym Monday through Friday at 5am, getting a complete workout in 5 days per week.

We know that all workouts are not created equal; and everyone will tell you they have the best one for you.  Quality workouts will always have a couple of things in common. Here are the four exercise absolutes to help you shape your routine that I have implemented over my past month of successful exercise 

3. Re-Fuel the Tank

I am always amazed at the misconceptions people have about what to eat before or after their workout. I actually had a personal trainer tell me once that it didn’t matter what I ate as long as I built the proper amount of muscle that could burn off the calories. This is so far from the truth that it took everything I had not to burst out laughing in his face. Of course it matters what we eat and how much of it! Just try putting diesel fuel into a Ferrari and see how well it runs (that is an expensive example - do not try that at home). There are three things that I am sure to re-fuel my body with daily, but especially on days when I hit the gym hard. 

a.       Water

I know you have heard me harp on this many times before, but so many people are chronically dehydrated. Drink as many ounces of water as you weigh in kilograms (Note: Take your weight in pounds and divide by 2.2 to get your weight in kilograms). It is really not hard to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Just keep a bottle next to you at all times and take a drink every few minutes. When the bottle is empty, go fill it back up. Do NOT count coffee, soda, or energy drinks toward your water intake. Water and only water should be counted. 

b.      B-Vitamins

Many people suffer from chronic muscle soreness and working out only aggravates that soreness. If you find a muscle group is still sore 3 or 4 days after you worked out, you most likely are not getting enough B-vitamins in your diet. They are important in so many body functions including nerve conduction, energy metabolism, and blood cell production, just to name a few. B-vitamins can be found in many healthy foods such as whole grains, beans, certain fruits and vegetables, eggs, and meats. I personally like to take a daily B-vitamin supplement (these are what I use) to be certain I am getting enough with my physically demanding lifestyle. Alcohol and processed sugar will affect the absorption and use of B-vitamins in the body, so minimize and avoid the use of these products if you wish to maximize B-vitamin utilization in the body. 

c.       Protein

Proteins are the building blocks of life. They are responsible for all the enzymes that assist in body functions and are the building blocks for our physical structure, including skeleton, skin, and muscle. There is much debate over how much protein is actually needed in our diet on a daily basis. This number, which can range from 40-100 grams per day, changes drastically with your weight, your health goals, and your gender. I like to focus more on the quality protein sources rather than the overall amount. Beans, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, eggs, chicken, turkey, and fish are all excellent sources of protein. Notice I mentioned some vegetables in there. Although they are not complete proteins, they still offer much needed protein for the body. Be sure not to consume more than 10-15 grams of protein in a single sitting, because your digestive tract can only absorb about 10 grams per hour. Focus on eating the quality foods I mentioned above in small meals throughout your day and you should not have an issue with eating the right amount of protein for you.

Re-fueling is an important part of your exercise routine, so don't forget about it until you are running on empty! Giving your body the right nutrition is an important key to getting and staying healthy.

This is the third of four exercise absolutes to help you revamp your routine and get the most out of whatever exercise routine you choose. Check back next week for the fourth and final absolute. 

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Revamp Your Routine: 4 Exercise Absolutes #2

During the month of March, despite the cold and dreary weather of Southwestern Pennsylvania, I managed to get myself to the gym Monday through Friday at 5am, getting a complete workout in 5 days per week.

We know that all workouts are not created equal; and everyone will tell you they have the best one for you.  Quality workouts will always have a couple of things in common. Here are the four exercise absolutes to help you shape your routine that I have implemented over my past month of successful exercise!  

2. Resistance

Exercising should not be a chore! It should be something you enjoy doing and I am adamant about finding that activity you love. However, settling into that special kind of workout won't get you to where you want to be!  It is imperative that you add resistance training to your exercise program. Aerobic workouts (i.e. running, jogging, spinning) are great for cardiovascular endurance, but by themselves, they leave a huge gap in your training. By adding resistance, you increase calorie burning both during and between your workouts.

How does this work? When adding resistance, you are actually increasing the intensity of your workouts, consuming more oxygen, and burning more calories. When you work your different muscle groups, the muscles take time over the next few days to rebuild and by doing so, you continue to burn more calories (increasing resting metabolism) between your workouts. 

How do I add resistance? 

a.       Use Weights/Resistance Bands

Resistance comes in many forms
Weightlifting is one of the most common forms of exercising and there are an infinite amount of ways you can customize it to meet your needs. I have personally been using weight training for over 15 years and it is great to complement any activity you may currently participate in. If you have never used weights before, I strongly recommend you find an experienced individual to customize a program to meet your personal needs. You can contact my office directly if you need direction in finding that person. 

b.      Use Hills

Adding hills to your workout pushes your cardio and muscles to a new level.  What if I told you that I burn over 700 calories per hour by simply walking? I walk at 3 mph but increase the treadmill incline to a 10% grade. Working against gravity by walking up hills or steps will always increase resistance and thus improve your workout without having to increase speed. 

c.       Use Body Weight

There are entire exercise routines sweeping the country right now that are built around using mostly your own body weight. Squats, pull-ups, push-ups, lunges, and planks are 5 of the most universal exercises that can be done just about anywhere without any equipment and can still provide an excellent workout. Every one of those exercises can also be modified to meet your personal goals and needs.

If you truly want to work your body the way it was designed, then increasing your resistance is a must for your training routine.

This is the second of four exercise absolutes to help you revamp your routine and get the most out of whatever exercise routine you choose. Check back next week for the third absolute.

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Revamp Your Routine: 4 Exercise Absolutes #1

During the month of March, despite the cold and dreary weather of Southwestern Pennsylvania, I managed to get myself to the gym Monday through Friday at 5am, getting a complete workout in 5 days per week.

[I do not share this to brag. I am not one of those people that jump out of bed at 4:30 in the morning without any alarm. (Quite the contrary; there are days when my alarm goes off and after getting out of bed to take care of the dogs, I will make my way back under the covers for another hour or two.) I share this because I want you to understand that I have the same struggles that many of you deal with when trying to implement efficient exercise programs.]

We know that all workouts are not created equal; and everyone will tell you they have the best one for you.  Quality workouts will always have a couple of things in common. Here are the four exercise absolutes to help you shape your routine that I have implemented over my past month of successful exercise! 

1.       RE-Think Your Strategy

How was I able to get to the gym by 5am? I have a good friend and workout partner who was there to work out with me. Every elite performer in the world has a coach. The best athletes, musicians, actors, and business owners have coaches or mentors that hold them accountable for what they say they are going to do. If I told myself I was going to the gym at 5am and was not meeting my friend there, I could roll right back into bed without anyone getting on my case. If I miss a workout and my friend is there, you better believe I am going to hear about it. 

Not everyone has to work out first thing in the morning (please don’t - I like my quiet and UN-crowded gym in the morning), but find a partner that can exercise on the same schedule as you and then stick to it.  Having an accountability partner significantly reduce those number of missed exercise days because when “I was too tired” or “I will do it later.” To prove this to you, my friend had off work this week and was exercising around 8am instead of 5am. Out of three days, I have only made it to the gym at 5am once this week. Why? Because I knew that he wasn’t going to be there and hold me accountable.

If you don’t have a friend or a spouse that is congruent with your exercise goals, then hire a personal trainer or attend a fitness class where the other participants will hold you accountable.  The bottom line: no one in life is a success without the help of others and your exercise routine is no different. Your partner/coach/trainer will push you to the next level, so go out and find him!

This is the first of four exercise absolutes to help you revamp your routine and get the most out of whatever exercise routine you choose. Check back next week for the second absolute.

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Healthy Go Lucky! Four "UNlucky" Notions that Lead to UNhealthy

“Dr. Dan, you are so LUCKY that you and your family are always so healthy,” is a statement that my wife and I hear a lot more than one would expect. I decided to write this article to help people understand that health has NOTHING to do with LUCK. In fact, a great quote from a Roman philosopher states that Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” This quote has been adapted by many famous success stories today such as 
Tony Robbins and Oprah.
We are all born with the opportunity to be healthy and maintain our health throughout our life. But then we get hit hard by societal situations that prepare us to be unhealthy. As we become more technologically advanced, we move further and further away from our intelligent healthy design. The preparation for health is lost among TV, work, food, and the myth that our genes control our health regardless of what we do.  In order to get healthy and stay healthy, it takes focused preparation on a daily basis. So let’s talk about four situations that we are all too familiar with and how they set us up to be unhealthy.    

       The UNLucky Genes

Diabetes runs in my family,” is a statement that I hear all too often in my practice (Substitute diabetes with any of the other chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, depression, etc.).  The biggest MYTH in modern society is that genes dictate our health and what diseases we will get – that there is nothing we can do about it. THIS IS BOGUS! Our genes have not changed in thousands of years. Again, our genes have not changed in thousands of years! One more time, our genes have not changed in thousands of years!!! Yet the incidence of all these chronic diseases has increased exponentially over the past several decades. Genes couldn't possibly be to blame!

This massive increase in these modern day diseases cannot be blamed on genetics. Blaming your genes for your sickness is like blaming your books for your bad grades in school. Your genes are nothing more than information. They are a book, “How to build a human FOR DUMMIES.” If you were to open that book, a human doesn’t magically appear. There has to be some governing life force or intelligence that has the ability to read, interpret, and apply the information. 

This innate intelligence of life is always present and has the ability to adapt to environmental changes. Unfortunately, our society has set up a very poor environment in which we now must exist. This poor environment has forced our bodies to read, interpret and apply our genetic information at such a rapid rate that eventually the efficiency breaks down and leads to sickness. We are literally animals living in captivity. 

However, if we take small steps to return our environment to one that we were designed to flourish in, our intelligent bodies will indeed return to a state of health and we could reverse over 2/3 of all diseases that we struggle with today. Therefore, do not be a victim of your genes by blaming your parents and grandparents for your sickness. Instead, prepare yourself for the opportunity to be healthy, the opportunity we were all born with. 
This is the first of four "UNlucky" notions that lead to an UNhealthy you.  Next week we'll talk about the second notion - the UNlucky Food Options.

You are not unhealthy because of bad luck or bad genes. You are unhealthy because of our societal misconceptions of health and the bad habits that go along with them.  We all need preparation and positive action to live in health at all times.  Being away of unhealthy situations is the first step to turning your luck health around!

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.