Friday, June 1, 2012

4 Truths about Aging Before You Age Another Minute

Depending on who you talk to, the concept of aging is either embraced with a smile or feared worse than public speaking. In fact, the "anti-aging" industry is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. That is a lot of money to combat a process that is just as natural as sleeping, eating, and drinking. So before you spend another penny to stop or slow a process that cannot be stopped, let's learn the truth about aging.

1. Aging Cannot be Stopped
This may seem obvious, but there are many people out there in denial about their aging. Let me reiterate that aging is natural and normal! One of the best steps you can take to make this process more exciting is to embrace the fact that we all age.  Enjoy every day for what it is: a gift! Stop using popular phrases like, "I am getting old" or "I feel so old." Embrace your aging and your age will be rewarding.

2. You Age What You Eat
We all know the famous adage, "you are what you eat." It only makes sense that the aging process is largely determined by what you feed your body. Every second millions of your cells are dividing, multiplying, and dying. The new cells are created from what you eat. We all know the 45 year old who looks like he is 60, and we also know the 65 year old who looks like she is 50. Why do some people age so well? Very little has to do with genetics and a large part has to do with what you are putting into your body day in and day out. If you are one of those people obsessed with how you age, think before you eat that next doughnut or scoop of ice cream. Fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and nuts will give your body the vitamins and minerals it craves, giving rise to new and healthy cells.  Healthy cells are an easy way to beautify the aging process!

3. Lotions are not Magic Potions
Women and men alike will try any product that claims to enhance skin and hair. Consumers beware! Every product you use on your skin is absorbed into your blood stream and must be processed by your liver.  Many chemicals in popular lotions, creams, and hair products that are "safe for human use" have been linked to various types of cancers in animals. Information is at our fingertips. Be an informed buyer and research some of the chemicals that are in your current lotions. Will one or two uses give you cancer? Of course not, but neither will smoking one or two cigarettes. The problem is repeated use over a lifetime. Be aware and limit the chemicals you use on your skin and hair. These toxic chemicals can build up in your fat and skin cells over time.  This causes your cells to break down more quickly, making you look older than you actually are. "But wait, we have a lotion for that!" Get the picture?

4. Motion is life!
Circulation, nerve messages, joint lubrication, and healing all require a certain amount of motion to work at their optimal level. When you participate in any activity, you stress your body in a very good way and promote healthy cell growth. Healthy cell growth leads to beautiful aging, not only on the outside, but the inside as well, which is where health begins! Get up, take a walk, do some stretching, dance, swim, or ride a bike! The more you move, the better you age.

Do not buy into the "anti-aging" gimmicks. You are aging exactly the way you are supposed to.   Besides, growing old sure beats the alternative...dying young.

Abundant blessings,

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

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