Monday, June 11, 2012

5 Tips for Sleeping like a Baby

ZZZZZZ.....ZZZZZZ...ZZZZZZ...Oh excuse me! I didn't see you there. I must have drifted off. In our crazy GO, GO, GO world today, why is it that so many people still struggle to get a good night of sleep? You would think that as hard as we push ourselves, our engine would be empty by the end of the day and we would crash as soon as our head hits the pillow. Unfortunately, for millions of Americans, that is just not the case. So here are some simple tips that will allow you to catch those very important ZZZ's.

1. Position
As a chiropractor, people always ask me about proper sleeping position. The best position, in my opinion, for proper body and spinal mechanics, is lying on your side. Your pillow should be tucked under your head AND neck so that you are in a neutral position. The most important piece of the puzzle? Use a body pillow (or 2 separate pillows) that will fit comfortably between your knees and arms. This keeps your hips and shoulders in a neutral position and maintains healthy spinal alignment. Poor sleeping position is a gateway to poor spinal alignment, which is what your chiropractor is working hard to correct. Help him out and try this sleep position!

2. Same Time, Same Place
Having a regular routine for the time and place of your sleep allows you to take advantage of your body’s natural rhythm and hormone levels. Different hormones in your body rise and fall throughout the day. Keeping a consistent bed time and place will help your body prepare for and maintain a good night's sleep. (I apologize to travelers with fluctuating schedules. Good thing your body is so adaptable!)

3. Organize and Prioritize
Restless sleep is often related to anxiety about your TO DO list. Whether it is something you didn't get to, or something that needs to be done tomorrow, make sure you WRITE IT DOWN! I joke with my wife that if it isn't written down, it doesn't exist. Writing things down and prioritizing will take them off your mind and allow you to focus on the task at hand: SLEEP.

4. Eating
Snacking before bed is an epidemic in our society. Unfortunately, when we eat, we change our hormone levels.  As I mentioned before, this can make it difficult to fall into that restful state you need for quality sleep. Digestion also slows down during the night and food can become stagnant in your stomach. Did you ever notice that if you eat a meal right before bed, you still feel full the next morning? Then you don’t breakfast and start your day in a downward energy spiral. Try not to eat anything 1-2 hours before bed.

5. Gratitude
Touching again on the anxiety, most people are anxious because that are not focused on how amazing their life is. It is easy to get trapped into that fearful, victim mentality. Believe me, with a new business, new baby, student loans, and my wife leaving her job, I know a thing or two about anxiety. Always remember, if you have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, family and friends, then you are among the wealthiest people on Earth. Give thanks and get peace.

Try out these tips before your head hits the pillow tonight. Your body will thank you!

Sweet Dreams!

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Find more information at his website. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

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