Monday, April 8, 2013

Revamp Your Routine: 4 Exercise Absolutes #1

During the month of March, despite the cold and dreary weather of Southwestern Pennsylvania, I managed to get myself to the gym Monday through Friday at 5am, getting a complete workout in 5 days per week.

[I do not share this to brag. I am not one of those people that jump out of bed at 4:30 in the morning without any alarm. (Quite the contrary; there are days when my alarm goes off and after getting out of bed to take care of the dogs, I will make my way back under the covers for another hour or two.) I share this because I want you to understand that I have the same struggles that many of you deal with when trying to implement efficient exercise programs.]

We know that all workouts are not created equal; and everyone will tell you they have the best one for you.  Quality workouts will always have a couple of things in common. Here are the four exercise absolutes to help you shape your routine that I have implemented over my past month of successful exercise! 

1.       RE-Think Your Strategy

How was I able to get to the gym by 5am? I have a good friend and workout partner who was there to work out with me. Every elite performer in the world has a coach. The best athletes, musicians, actors, and business owners have coaches or mentors that hold them accountable for what they say they are going to do. If I told myself I was going to the gym at 5am and was not meeting my friend there, I could roll right back into bed without anyone getting on my case. If I miss a workout and my friend is there, you better believe I am going to hear about it. 

Not everyone has to work out first thing in the morning (please don’t - I like my quiet and UN-crowded gym in the morning), but find a partner that can exercise on the same schedule as you and then stick to it.  Having an accountability partner significantly reduce those number of missed exercise days because when “I was too tired” or “I will do it later.” To prove this to you, my friend had off work this week and was exercising around 8am instead of 5am. Out of three days, I have only made it to the gym at 5am once this week. Why? Because I knew that he wasn’t going to be there and hold me accountable.

If you don’t have a friend or a spouse that is congruent with your exercise goals, then hire a personal trainer or attend a fitness class where the other participants will hold you accountable.  The bottom line: no one in life is a success without the help of others and your exercise routine is no different. Your partner/coach/trainer will push you to the next level, so go out and find him!

This is the first of four exercise absolutes to help you revamp your routine and get the most out of whatever exercise routine you choose. Check back next week for the second absolute.

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

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