Monday, January 14, 2013

4 Healthy Resolutions for 2013 (That You Can Keep) To Change Your Life: Resolution #2

If your goal is to be healthier in 2013 than you were in 2012 (and that is a GREAT goal that everyone should have, in my opinion), then I'm here to help. Here is the second of four Healthy Resolutions that are easy to track on a daily basis and are sure to improve your life in 2013.

Healthy Resolution #2: Bag of Veg

Many of us want to "lose weight" for the New Year. That is an excellent goal. However, if you do not instill the daily habits to keep that healthy weight, then what you have lost is sure to return after your "weight loss program" is complete.

Anyone can lose 20 pounds, but losing 20 and keeping it off for a year or two; that is worth talking about! Adding a bag of vegetables per day is an easy daily habit that anyone can keep. All it takes is a quart size bag and some chopped raw vegetables. One cup of raw vegetables is considered one serving. One quart would give you 4 servings of vegetables. The recommended daily intake for fruits and vegetables is 9-15 servings. Filling up the quart size bag and snacking on it throughout the day will fill your stomach, curb any cravings, balance your blood sugar, keep your bowels regular, and give you the nutrients your body needs be healthy and energized.

Keep your bag colorful and mix it up. Some of my favorites are carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans, celery, and beets. If you cannot eat raw vegetables without adding a little flavor, try almond butter, organic hummus, or an organic vinaigrette dressing. Just be sure to watch the serving size.

This is one simple resolution that I have implemented into my own life throughout my years of practice. Check back next week for resolution #3!

These resolutions may seem small, but I know they will lead you to a healthier and happier 2013. Every decision you make takes you one step closer to health or one step closer to sickness. Small changes in the right direction make a big difference. Commit to these 4 Healthy Resolutions and make 2013 YOUR YEAR!

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.
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