Monday, January 28, 2013

4 Healthy Resolutions for 2013 (That You Can Keep) To Change Your Life: Resolution #4

If your goal is to be healthier in 2013 than you were in 2012 (and that is a GREAT goal that everyone should have, in my opinion), then I'm here to help. Here is the fourth and last Healthy Resolutions that are easy to track on a daily basis and are sure to improve your life in 2013.

Healthy Resolution #4: Less Complaints, More Compliments

We all do it because we are human, but that does not make complaining OK. If you want to be healthier, one of the first things you need to do is stop complaining about where you are right now. It is great that you want to change, but in order to change something about your life, you must first change your mind. There is a universal law called the Law of Attraction and it simply says that you will attract into your life what you focus on the most. Mathew 13-12 says, "To anyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; from anyone who has not, even what he has will be taken away." Complaining begets more complaining and leads to a life of anxiety, stress, and disease.

How do we stop complaining? First, we need to count our blessings daily. After love, gratitude is the most powerful emotion in the world. Create a "Blessing Board" where you have a collage of all the people, places, events, and things you are thankful for in your life. It may start small, but trust me if you take 2 minutes a day to stand in front of it with gratitude, you will watch how it grows before your very eyes. Second, you may want to wear a bracelet. The process behind the bracelet is that every time you express a complaint, you must switch the band to your other wrist. Try going 21 days without switching the bracelet and see how your life and others around you is transformed. Check out for more information. Finally, remember to envision the final destination. Whether you are trying to lose weight, pay off debt, or grow a relationship, there are many trials that will test you throughout your journey. Focus on the end result and be grateful for every trial you must overcome to achieve it.

This is one simple resolution that I have implemented into my own life throughout my years of practice. These resolutions may seem small, but I know they will lead you to a healthier and happier 2013. Every decision you make takes you one step closer to health or one step closer to sickness. Small changes in the right direction make a big difference. Commit to these 4 Healthy Resolutions and make 2013 YOUR YEAR!

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

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