Monday, January 21, 2013

4 Healthy Resolutions for 2013 (That You Can Keep) To Change Your Life: Resolution #3

If your goal is to be healthier in 2013 than you were in 2012 (and that is a GREAT goal that everyone should have, in my opinion), then I'm here to help. Here is the third of four Healthy Resolutions that are easy to track on a daily basis and are sure to improve your life in 2013.

Healthy Resolution #3: Be a Picky Drinker

Yes this one is obvious, but we all must drink more WATER. Nearly half of all people mistake dehydration cravings for hunger, which leads to excessive calorie intake and weight gain. Many people mistakenly count their entire fluid intake towards their daily water intake. When you consume sugary, caffeinated, or alcoholic beverages, they are actually dehydrating your body. There are only two beverages that I count toward my daily water intake, WATER and freshly brewed unsweetened TEA (not to be more than 20 oz. per day). Fresh squeezed lemon is the best way to zest up those two choices. Staying hydrated will decrease pain levels, help with mental clarity, maintain energy levels, provide healthy cell communication, and optimal muscle contraction (think heart and gut).

How much should you drink? The old 8 cups per day is a good start because most people do not even get that much. However, I recommend 1 oz of water for every kilogram of body weight. To get that number take your weight in pounds and divide by 2.2 (i.e. A 200 lb. person should drink 90 ounces of water per day). The easiest way to be sure you are getting your proper water intake is to have a water bottle on your person at all times. If you know the size of your bottle, than you know how many of that container you need to hit your goal. You should be going to the "john" one time every 1-2 hours if you are properly hydrated. Just remember, "if you see white, you're alright - if you see yellow, you're a sick fellow."

This is one simple resolution that I have implemented into my own life throughout my years of practice. Check back next week for resolution #4!

These resolutions may seem small, but I know they will lead you to a healthier and happier 2013. Every decision you make takes you one step closer to health or one step closer to sickness. Small changes in the right direction make a big difference. Commit to these 4 Healthy Resolutions and make 2013 YOUR YEAR!

Dr. Dan Turo is the owner and chiropractor of Turo Family Chiropractic located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Follow him on facebook and twitter.

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